Co-Investment Fund for Transport and Communications
What are the benefits?
The measure is aimed at promoting development of innovative transport technologies by financing micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) developing sustainable mobility and mobile services and projects that reduce carbon emissions from transport.
Who is eligible?
Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
What is the maximum amount?
The maximum investment amount is up to 1.6 million euros.
The Ministry of Transport and Communications has allocated a total of 920 000 euros from the Cohesion Fund for investments in micro, small and medium-sized enterprises.
How does it work?
Investment originators are private investors, which can be venture capital funds or teams of at least two business angels. They may regularly submit proposals to the venture capital fund CoInvest Capital, which manages the Co-investment Fund for Transport and Communications, for investments in viable companies.
CoInvest Capital fund invests with venture capital funds and business angel groups. Investments are made in projects that can generate the expected return on investment and ensure an easily predictable exit from investments.
CoInvest Capital participates in the management of the companies in which it will invest as a silent investor.
If you are a private investor or a company suitable for financing, you can find more information at
The financial instrument Co-investment Fund for Transport and Communications is implemented from the Cohesion Fund. The measure is managed by Invega together with Kofinansavimas UAB, a subsidiary of Invega, established specifically for the management and efficient implementation of venture capital funds. The measure is implemented through Coinvest Capital fund.