Instrument implemented Partial Compensation of Lease Payments for Businesses Most Affected by Covid-19

Who can apply?

Partial compensation of lease payments is provided to cover the expenditures incurred by the applicant due to the lease of non-residential premises used to carry out economic activities during the compensation period (from 16 March to 31 August 2020).

What companies are eligible?

Legal entities and entrepreneurs engaged in economic activities:

  • whose activities comply with those prohibited or restricted during the quarantine;
  • who benefit from at least a 30-percent rental discount applied by the lessor;
  • applicants whose secondary activities prohibited or restricted during the quarantine were carried out in leased premises which, in accordance with the statistical classification of economic activities (NACE Rev. 2) were entered in the Register of Taxpayers not later than on 16 March 2020;
  • who at the time of application did not have the status of a company under bankruptcy, restructuring or liquidation, and whose owners and/or managers had not been subject to any criminal conviction and final judgment concerning economic and financial criminal acts within the past 5 years and such persons had no unexpired or non-called conviction.

What is the maximum amount?

The maximum amount of partial compensation of lease payments per month is 50 per cent on the lease amount payable by the lessee for February of 2020*.

* or if the applicant made the first lease payment since the start of its business activities for March 2020, the lease amount payable by the applicant since March. If the applicant made the first lease payment since the start of its business activities for April 2020 or subsequent months – on the monthly lease amount established in the lease agreement.

How does it work?

To benefit from this instrument, please submit an application. The evaluation of the application takes up to 20 days after the relevant documents have been duly submitted. In the case of positive decision, compensation is paid twice per month.

The description of the terms and conditions of the instrument Partial compensation of lease payments to businesses most affected by COVID-19 is available here.