Instrument implemented Grants for tour operators of incoming tourism

What are the benefits?

The purpose of the tool is to reduce the impact of Covid-19 pandemic and to assure solvency and continuity of the activities of tour operators of incoming tourism. The grants will be awarded to tour operators of incoming tourism for the services of organised tours in the Republic of Lithuania provided to foreign tourists.

Who is eligible?

  • It is a micro, small or medium-sized enterprise (SME) that satisfies the criteria established in the Law on Development of Small and Medium-Sized Business (SMB).
  • The grant recipient was registered in the Register of Legal Entities before 31 October 2019.
  • It had a valid certificate of a tour operator of incoming tourism at the time of application.
  • The code of the main economic activities in the Lithuanian Department of Statistics according to the Classification of Economic Activities (EVRK 2nd ed.) was attributed to group 79.1 “Activities of travel agencies and tour operators”.
  • At the time of application, it has submitted F-09 statistical form for the quarters of years 2019-2021, for which the grant is requested, to the Lithuanian Department of Statistics.
  • It has not received any unlawful aid that was recognised as unlawful and incompatible with the internal market by the decision of the European Commission, or it has refunded the total amount, including the interest, in accordance with the legal acts.
  • It is not an enterprise going bankrupt or under restructuring, and no insolvency proceedings have been initiated against the enterprise.
  • It satisfies the minimal criteria of reliable taxpayers.
  • On 31 December 2019, it was not an undertaking or a group of undertakings in difficulty or it was an undertaking in difficulty but was not considered as being in difficulty at the time of application already.

The application for grant and the related documents may be submitted to INVEGĄ by e-mail

We ask to send the application and the related documents in one letter and to enter the company’s name in the letter’s subject.

The documents signed by a qualified e-signature or using the electronic communication means should be submitted together with the application. We recommend to sign the application (in excel format) and the enclosed documents in Signa Web app.

  • Application (in excel format)
  • Status declaration of the SMB subject signed by the manager.
  • F-09 statistical form  (in PDF format) for 2019, 2020 and the 1st-4th quarters of 2021 or for the period, during which the business undertaking was providing travel services and that was submitted to the Lithuanian Department of Statistics at the time indicated in F-09 statistical form.
  • The set of financial reports for year 2019 of the group of undertakings if the business undertaking belongs to the group, describing the structure of equity in detail.
  • The balance sheet and income statement of the business undertaking for 2021.
  • Information of the business undertaking about the structure of ownership and control and the indicated identity of the beneficiary(-ies) and extract from the information system of stakeholders of legal entities on the day of application, or from the equivalent register of the other country, if this information is not available in the registers of the Republic of Lithuania.
  • Power of attorney if the application and the documents are signed by the person authorised by the business undertaking.

Note: if necessary, the business undertaking may be requested to substantiate the data by additional documents or information.

How much?

  • The maximum possible amount for one tourist for the travel services provided from 1 January 2019 until 31 December 2021 is 3 euro.
  • The maximum amount of the grant awarded to one business undertaking is 30 000 euro.

Upon evaluation of the application, INVEGA shall determine the size of the grant awarded to the business undertaking by summing up the possible grants of all the business undertakings, regarding whom the decision to award the grant may be made. If the received result exceeds the amount attributed to the grants, the size of the grant awarded to the business undertaking shall be reduced by the same percentage so that the total amount of the grants would not exceed the amount assigned to the grants. The size of the awarded grant shall be rounded up by accuracy of 1 euro according to the mathematical rounding-up rules.

The amount of 300 thousand euro from the reserve of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania were assigned to grants.


The applications for grants to tour operators of incoming tourism shall be accepted until 9 May 2022 inclusive.

How does it work?

One business undertaking may submit only one application according to the call and the grant may be awarded only once.

Requirements for business undertaking


Check whether you satisfy the established requirements.



Collect the necessary documents.
The application without all the needed documents shall be regarded as submitted inappropriately.

Submit the application


E-mail the application and documents signed by a qualified e-signature or using the electronic communication means* to

Check your e-mail


The applications will be assessed within 20 business days after the end of the call.

You will be informed about the decision by the e-mail address indicated in the application.


* We recommend to sign the application (in excel format)
and the enclosed documents in Signa Web app.