Instrument implemented Compensation of COVID-19 Testing for Employees

Instrument „Compensation of COVID-19 Testing for Employees“ have been suspended since 30 June.

What are the benefits?

In order for a business to be able to continue its operations smoothly and safely, it is very important to test its employees regularly. Regular testing allows infections to be traced extremely quickly, ensuring that companies protect not only their employees but also those around them, and can operate without forced interruptions.

Who is eligible?

Compensation for employee testing under the measure “Compensation of COVID-19 testing for small and medium-sized enterprises” can be applied for by a company or an entrepreneur classified as a small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) and meeting the following conditions:

  • There is a contract concluded with a health care institution (HCI) that has the right to perform COVID-19 testing. The list of licensed health care institution is available on the website of the State Health Care Accreditation Agency (SHCAA).
  • COVID-19 tests are performed to company employees who are employed under contract against remuneration, owners of sole proprietorships (or appointed managers of sole proprietorships where they have a civil contract), managers of small partnerships (or representatives of small partnerships), full members of general partnerships and limited partnerships and entrepreneurs.
  • During the last three tax years, the de minimis (insignificant) amount of the state aid of 200 thousand euros has not been appropriated (check).
  • No bankruptcy and/or restructuring proceedings have been initiated against the company at the time of application.
  • The SME entity has not received compensation of COVID-19 testing costs from other public funding sources.
  • The SME does not perform its main activities in the agricultural, forestry, fisheries and aquaculture sectors.

Documents required for filling in the application:

  • Small and medium-sized enterprise status declaration.
  • “One Company’s” declaration.
  • A copy of the contract signed with the HCI (the contract must include the provisions of the contract in the annex to the description).
  • Invoices are issued by the HCI, which clearly state the number and price of the tests performed.
  • Documents substantiating payment of the invoice, optionally – executed payment order, bank account statement, cash receipt or cash income order. Offset confirmation statement shall not be deemed a suitable document to confirm payment.

Important: one applicant may submit one application in the INVEGA information application system, which may be supplemented once a month with new invoices and documents substantiating payments.

Documents to be retained by the applicant:

The applicant undertakes to retain and present during random inspections or audits:

  • Information on employees (name, surname, date of birth, social security number, number of tests performed and dates of performance of tests) who received COVID-19 tests, costs of which have been requested to be compensated.
  • Documents justifying the eligibility of the costs of the COVID-19 testing incurred.
  • Employees’ signed consents to participate in a preventive testing for detection of COVID-19 disease (coronavirus infection) and serological testing (consent form).

What is the maximum amount?

Up to EUR 12 per serological antibody test.
Up to EUR 12 for SARS-CoV-2 rapid antigen test.

If the test costs less than EUR 12, it will be reimbursed in full.

The maximum possible sum of compensation (S) per applicant is calculated according to the formula:

S=D x T x K

D – the number of employees planned to participate in COVID-19 testing;
T – the maximum possible number of tests per employee (4 units per month);
K – the maximum reimbursable test price (up to 12 euros).

The maximum amount of compensation may not exceed the de minimis balance of the state aid.

A total of 30 million euros is allocated for compensation of employee testing from the state budget.


Compensations will be allocated for testing costs incurred from 23 February 2021 to 31 May 2021.

Applications and documents supporting the payment of the tests performed can be submitted from 29 March 2021 to 30 June 2021. The invitation for submission of application may be suspended earlier if the amount allocated to the measure expires.

How does it work?

For compensation, please contact INVEGA and submit your application in the electronic application system.

Required data for filling in the application:

  • Company’s information
  • Number of employees
  • Number of tests performed and planned to be performed to employees
  • Requested compensation amount

Important: it will not be possible to change the information on the number of employees entered in the application and the amount of compensation requested at a later stage.

Evaluation of applications and payment of compensation

Applications shall be evaluated in the order of their submission to INVEGA.

The application shall be evaluated within 10 business days from the day of submission of the duly completed application and documents to INVEGA. In the event of a large flow of applications or due to technical obstacles, the deadline for the evaluation of applications may be extended, however no more than for 10 business days.

The costs of COVID-19 tests shall be reimbursed to the applicant once a month – before the 25th day of the month following the reporting month. The calculated compensation to the applicant shall be transferred to the account specified in the application.

As required by law, INVEGA will randomly screen at least five percent of applicants who have passed a positive decision. The inspections will be carried out in accordance with the procedure approved by the CEO of INVEGA.

Testing scheme

It is important to order tests for employees on a regular basis: the antibody test shall be carried out at intervals of no more than 60 days and the antigen test shall be carried out at intervals of no more than 7 days and at least every 10 days.

The serological antibody test, which detects anti-S, anti-S1 or anti-RBD IgG antibodies to SARS-CoV-2, indicates whether a person has had the coronavirus.

SARS-CoV-2 rapid antigen test shows if a person is currently carrying the coronavirus.