INNOVA-FI local stakeholders’ group meeting

In order to review in principle the strategy for developing new innovative financial instruments in Lithuania the third meeting of Innova-FI local Stakeholders Group took place on Monday, November 4, in Vilnius. The meeting was organized by INVEGA.

Representatives from Ministry of Economy and Innovation, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Transport and Communications, INVEGA and Koinvesticinis fondas were introduced to the principles of a design thinking and were guided by Innovation Consultant Justina Klyviene how to develop the new financial instruments for the future by using a wide range of creative tools. The search for a magical balance between business and art, structure and chaos, intuition and logic, concept and execution, control and empowerment allowed to gain a deeper insight into the process of creating a service experience that is perceived through the customer experience.

During the meeting the participants by applying the design thinking principles were able to try out the practical tools, which allowed them to discover a broader and more comprehensive view of possible ways to create the new financial instruments and solutions to improve access to finance for business in 2030.